World’s gold reserve in 2015

Published On: décembre 3rd, 2015Last Updated: août 26th, 2018
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Here is a listing of the 40 largest world’s gold reserves and holdings from Central Banks of several countries, in September 2015.


United States the largest gold reserve in the world.

United States and its famous Fort Knox reserve is remaining on top of the rank. For more details about the United state gold reserves, we suggest to read the article below :

Read also : the largest gold reserve in the world.


China has significantly increase its gold reserves !

Compared to February 2015, China increased its gold reserves of more than 650 tons. The country is well passed Russia in the ranking of the largest world’s gold stock. However, its reserves account for only 1.6% of its foreign exchange reserves.



% of foreign reserves assets

1 United-States 8 133,5 72,7 %
2 Germany 3 381,0 67,1 %
3 IMF 2 814,0
4 Italy 2451,8 65,0 %
5 France 2 435,5  62,1 %
6 China 1 708,5 1,6 %
7 Russia 1 352,2 13,1 %
8 Swiss 1 040,0 6,2 %
9 Japan 765,2 2,2 %
10 Netherlands 612,5 55,8 %
11 India 557,7 5,6 %
12 ECB 504,8 25,3 %
13 Turkey 504,5 15,2 %
14 Taiwan 423,6 3,4 %
15 Portugal 382,5 74,0 %
16 Venezuela 361,0 66,9 %
17 Saudi Arabi 322,9 1,7 %
18 United Kingdom 310,3 8,5 %
19 Liban 286,8 20,3 %
20 Spain 281,6 18,4 %
21 Austria 280,0 43,5 %
22 Belgium 227,4 32,9 %
23 Kazakhstan 213,5 27,2 %
24 Philippines 195,6 8,7 %
25 Algeria 173,6 3,8 %
26 Thailande 152,4 3,5 %
27 Singapour 127,4 1,8 %
28 Sweden 125,7 7,6 %
29 South Africa 125,2 9,7 %
30 Mexico 121,8 2,4 %
31 Libya 116,6 4,9 %
32 Greece 112,6 71,2 %
33 BIS 108,0
34 Corea 104,4 1,0 %
35 Romania 103,7 10,2 %
36 Poland 102,9 3,6 %
37 Iraq 89,8 4,8 %
38 Australia 79,9 5,6 %
39 Koweit 79,0 8,6 %
40 Indonesia 78,1 2,8 %



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