
Avatar of Arnaud Fisette

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So far Arnaud Fisette has created 145 blog entries.

What does the BREXIT means for the price of gold ?

By |2019-01-19T14:08:08+01:00June 23rd, 2016|Actuality|

Yesterday, June 23rd, the United Kingdom organized a referendum on whether the people wanted to stay in or leave the European Union. They have chosen with a narrow majority to leave the EU, and the consequences of this decision are enormous. Lire la suite […]

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Palladium, How much do we still have ?

By |2018-11-16T17:53:27+01:00May 26th, 2016|Actuality|

As for platinum and rhodium, palladium discovery comes quite late in human history. William Wollaston (the same man who identified rhodium [link]) was discovered and named in 1802. After a brief moment of skepticism where the metal was mistaken to an alloy, it follows a long period where resources were limited in the extreme. Lire la suite [...]

Will we ever run out of gold ?

By |2019-01-19T14:03:39+01:00May 20th, 2016|Actuality|

If gold is the precious metal it is today, and not silver, platinum, palladium or copper is because it was both early accessible and not plentiful for mankind, which made it a material that was used early on but also difficult to obtain.   Lire la suite […]

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