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The rue Vivienne in Paris : the street of gold buying houses

Par |2018-08-26T15:27:01+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Vivienne street (rue Vivienne in French) is a street in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, France, in the neighborhoods of the Palais Royal and Vivienne. It takes its name from Louis Vivien, lord of Saint-Marc, alderman of Paris (1599). This street has the distinction of hosting a large number of shops of gold coins and Lire la suite [...]

Zoom on 20 Francs gold Napoleon III

Par |2019-03-06T11:50:58+01:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Investing in gold by buying gold coins can combine business with pleasure. Among the most known gold coins include the Napoleons, the iconic gold piece and favorite of French. Orobel propose today to discover this part through this article. Lire la suite […]

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The coins and bullions mint

Par |2015-09-11T22:00:00+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Each country has its own currency shop, striking gold coins with effigies own symbols and history of their countries. This article presents the different coin mints around the world. Lire la suite […]

Why invest in gold in times of economic crisis ?

Par |2018-08-26T15:27:15+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

The many qualities of gold, making it one of the most coveted metals in the world and a metal of choice in many areas including dentistry and medicine, electrical engineering, construction and aerospace . But another important use of gold is that it helps to stabilize the monetary systems. Lire la suite […]

Taxation of Gold and Silver in European Union’s countries

Par |2022-03-29T17:17:08+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Whether you are investing in gold or silver, the tax applied on your investment will be very different depending on your country of residence. As an investor, it is necessary that you know the applied taxation (VAT, taxes on capital gains, wealth, etc …). Orobel offers in this article the different tax systems applied in Lire la suite [...]

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