Zoom on the gold Sovereign

Published On: septembre 11th, 2015Last Updated: mars 6th, 2019
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Among the wide range of gold to invest, there is the sovereign gold coin French widespread in the United States. Always struck today it offers the advantage to the English citizens not be subject to taxes on transactions in gold for British citizens. Let us look more closely at this piece of gold.

Features of the gold Sovereign

The gold sovereign is a gold coin struck by the Royal Mint (Royal Mint Columbia). The rulers have been legal tender in their country.

This English gold coin weighs 7.99 grams and contains 7.32 g of fine gold for titration 916.67 ‰


In summary :

  Quintuple Souverain Double Souverain Souverain Demi Souverain Quart Souverain
Gross weight 39,94 g 15,98 g 7,99 g  3,995 g 1,9975 g
Fine gold weight 36,61 g 14,64 g 7,32 g  3,66 g 1,83 g
Titration 916,67 ‰ 916,67 ‰ 916,67 ‰ 916,67 ‰ 916,67 ‰
Years of issue 1957 to nowadays  – –  –   –
Effigy Georges V, Elisabeth II… –   – –   –
Diameter 36,02 mm 28,40 mm 22,05 mm 19,30 mm 13,50 mm


 Observe of the gold Sovereign :


The obverse features the profile of the sovereign Ruler of the time when he was hit. On the right image, we see the profile of George V, but we also find the profiles of Queen Elizabeth, of Edward II or Queen Victoria.


Reverse of the gold Sovereign :

The reverse of the sovereign presents the mythical figure of St George on his horse drawn slaying the dragon. Under the representation of St Georges include the year of strikes.

The design of the room is the brainchild of Pistrucci Benedetto (1783-1855)


History of the gold Sovereign

The gold sovereign the gold coin was the best known in the world before the arrival of dollars into gold. This piece was created in 1489 under the request of King Henry VII. It had on its obverse a rose, symbol of the Tudor and on its reverse the shield of the royal family. The gold sovereign of the time were struck with no face value. The picture below shows a gold sovereign of the time. 


Gold sovereigns continued to be hit by the different monarchs of the time, such as Edward, Elizabeth or Queen Victoria. They were struck until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603.

The sovereign name comes from the fact that Henry VII, wishing to show the sovereignty of England in the world that then would have called this play and to prove the power and splendor of his kingdom.

In 1914, the British Royal Mint leaves gold as a monetary unit. Gold sovereigns were withdrawn from circulation at the beginning of the Great War in 1914 although production was ensured by the Royal Mint (Royal Mint) until 1917. She nevertheless continues to produce coins with the effigy of empire but in limited quantities.



Why buy sovereign ?


The gold sovereign is an ideal piece of gold to invest in gold. Very popular in England, it is ideal to diversify their savings into gold and split easily. It is especially popular in England as it allows British citizens to be exempt from taxes on gains realized on these parts. It is a tax advantage for them.

For Europeans, this piece allows to vary their savings into gold. And for individuals with different gold coins such as Napoleon or Vreneli the gold sovereign will have a more diverse gold savings.

Moreover, the sovereign gold will enjoy a fairly high premium indeed in a crisis.


Read also : Invest in gold with Orobel.



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