All things you need to know before investing in gold

Published On: décembre 3rd, 2015Last Updated: août 26th, 2018
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Orobel vous propose une synthèse ainsi que les différents liens utiles pour acheter et investir dans l’or, sous la formes de pièces ou de lingots d’or.


In this article, we purpose severals infos to take in account before to begin to invest in physical gold. 


[accordion][acc_item title= »Understand the benefits to buy and invest in physical gold. »]

p1a4i5n79b1hta1v8r1jlg35915004Many people do not understand why gold is an investment, an investment that is very profitable and very advantageous. Thats why Orobel has selected his best articles in order to better understand the benefits brought by this type of investment, and answer the question « should we invest in gold in 2015 ? »

Beaucoup de personnes ne comprennent pas pourquoi l’or est un investissement et un placement qui reste très rentable et très avantageux. C’est pourquoi Orobel vous a sélectionné ses meilleurs articles afin de mieux comprendre les bénéfices qu’apporte ce type d’investissement, et de répondre à la question « faut-il investir dans l’or en 2015 ? »

8 reasons to own gold.

Why gold will always win against paper money ?


[/acc_item][acc_item title= »First steps to invest in gold. »]

The first thing you should do is read the following two articles. The first asks that the majority of our customers ask us: what form should you buy gold ? Coins ? Bars and bullions ? Certificates ?

In which form buy gold ?


In the second article, Orobel explain you how to invest in gold in order to make the most out of your investment and increase the return on your savings in physical gold.

Invest in gold with Orobel

[/acc_item][acc_item title= »Fiscality and taxations applied on gold and precious metals »]

p1a4g8hdrd1mamn8b1fo39rs10144You do not know how taxation is applied when investing in physical gold ? The following article presents in tabular form all the tax and fiscality applied to gold and silver for all the countries of the European Union.

Taxation and Fiscality applied on Gold and Silver in European countries Union.

[/acc_item][acc_item title= »Gold coins or gold bullions ? Which one to choose ? »]

Depending on your choice, whether you choose to buy gold coins or ingots, know that there are a multitude of different parts and gold bullion. These two subcategories show the various gold coins that you can get easily, their history and the benefits it provide.

The second part of the LBMA certification necessary to buy gold bars may be re-negotiable and marketable worldwide.


Gold coins

Which are the best gold coins to buy for investment ?

The premium on gold coins explained.

The first one ounce gold coin : the krugerrand.

Zoom on the french gold 20 francs Napoleon.

Zoom on the Swiss gold 20 francs Helvetia.

Zoom on the gold Krugerrand.

Zoom on the gold sovereign.

Spotlight on the gold 50 Pesos Centenario.

The gold Maple leaf, the purest canadian gold coin.



Gold bars and bullions.


The certification LBMA

The gold bullions manufacturers in Europe certified LBMA.

The difference between cast and minted gold bars.


[/acc_item][acc_item title= »Other articles and links. »]

Finally, the last section presents other items of interest your investment logic. It explains in particular have aroused the interest of gold during times of war or major economic turmoils.

Why buy gold in time of economic crisis ?

Some examples showing the utility to buy gold in times of crisis or economic turmoils.






All news and infos about gold on 

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Acheter de l’or avec Orobel

Nous vous proposons un catalogue complet de lingots et pièces en or d’investissement. Nos lingots sont issus de fondeurs certifiés par la LBMA, et nos pièces sont analysées par notre équipe pour vous garantir une qualité boursable.

Vendre de l’or avec Orobel

Profitez d’un rachat d’or aux meilleurs prix, que ce soit en espèces ou par virement bancaire. Nous vous offrons des services uniques et totalement transparents pour vous permettre de vendre de l’or, peu importe la quantité.

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