The platinum coins

Published On: septembre 11th, 2015Last Updated: septembre 11th, 2015
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Platinum or Platine (in French) has an international currency symbol under ISO 4217 XPT which is his symbol on the rating sites.


The platinum coins are a form of currency.


Emissions of legitimate platinum coins were launched by Spain in South America colonized in the 18th century and continued by the Russian Empire in the 19th century.

In the form of currency, these pieces in platinum proved impractical because platinum resembles many less expensive metals, and in contrast, it is more malleable and ductile as silver and gold, by cons it is very difficult to work.

 Several series of commemorative coins were issued in 1978 and became popular among collectors of coins.

The main investment platinum coins include American Eagle platinum, the Canadian Maple Leaf Platinum, the Australian Koala Platinum, the Noble of the Isle of Man, the Chinese Panda Platinum and several series by Union Soviet and later the Russian Federation as one ounce of 100 rubles and 50 rubles a half ounce.

By cons platinum is no longer considered monetary and platinum coins are subject to VAT such as silver coins.

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