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À propos de Cavallera

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Jusqu'à présent Cavallera a créé 367 entrées de blog.

La plus grande pièce d’or du monde

Par |2018-08-26T15:27:22+02:00septembre 17th, 2015|Actualité|

La plus grande pièce en or au monde est actuellement la pièce d’un million de dollar australien du Nugget australien. Créée par l’hôtel de la monnaie de Perth en 2011, la pièce ne pèse pas moins d’une tonne (1.012 Kg pour être exact), la valeur nominale est bien inférieure à la valeur du poids en or. Lire la suite [...]

Why gold will always win against paper money ?

Par |2015-09-12T22:00:00+02:00septembre 12th, 2015|News|

How the monetary system works is not hidden from us. Its mechanisms are visible, but its complexity that we do not understand how it works. As of today, the world was diverted from what is really called for money to benefit the currency. Explanation in this article. Lire la suite […]

Taxation of Gold and Silver in European Union’s countries

Par |2022-03-29T17:17:08+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Whether you are investing in gold or silver, the tax applied on your investment will be very different depending on your country of residence. As an investor, it is necessary that you know the applied taxation (VAT, taxes on capital gains, wealth, etc …). Orobel offers in this article the different tax systems applied in Lire la suite [...]

The coins and bullions mint

Par |2015-09-11T22:00:00+02:00septembre 11th, 2015|News|

Each country has its own currency shop, striking gold coins with effigies own symbols and history of their countries. This article presents the different coin mints around the world. Lire la suite […]

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